Teens and Confidentiality

There are special considerations about how information is shared with parents when a teen is in treatment. If your child is in treatment with me, you can anticipate the following: As parents, you will participate in the evaluation stage of treatment, providing me with information about developmental, social and academic history, talking with me about your concerns, and sharing your goals for your child. Much of this information will be discussed with your child present. Some may be reviewed in a separate appointment with you alone. 

If after evaluation  I see your son or daughter for individual psychotherapy, it is important for you to know that he or she has the right to private, confidential communication with me. Some of the issues we discuss will stay between us. I will not disclose that information to anyone, including you, unless given permission by your son or daughter to do so. This will help your teen be open and honest with me so that I can understand and treat the full range of issues he or she is dealing with. It is likely that we will check in periodically as treatment progresses. These conversations will include your son or daughter.

If I determine family therapy would be helpful as an adjunct to individual treatment, I will refer your family to a specialist in this field (or work with someone of your choosing). I will ask you to sign a release of information so the two of us can coordinate care. 

I recognize it is very important for you to know what your teen is going through in order to do your best as a loving parent, which is why I will always encourage, prepare and support him or her to be open and honest with you. I assure you that if a problem is revealed in treatment that presents a risk to your teen’s safety I will inform you right away so that we can, together, plan for his or her care.